Indonesia, the 4th most populated country in the world as well as a developing country, needs more high level competence people on their professions. In improving both skills and competence of those people, they have to master English well as the international means of communications. Besides, English is the main source of language for any aspects of life, including scientific aspects.
English in Indonesia has not been the second language yet. English is still a foreign language. Most Indonesian people have less understanding and mastery of English. Therefore, more English teachers are prepared well as to deliver their knowledge of English and teach the students.
In order to be efficiently and effectively teach the students, Indonesian English teachers need more training and supports as to provide the best teaching and learning process toward their students. Therefore, TEFLIN (The Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia) was founded 61 years ago. This association consists of the English teachers throughout Indonesia. They have annual agenda, i.e. TEFLIN Internartional Conference as to improve and knowledge of their members.
2014 is the 61st TEFLIN International Conference. It will be held on October 7-9, 2014 at Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Sol, Central Java Indonesia. This annual conference provides a scholarly forum bringing together policy makers and language consultants who have been involved in innovation and change in language policy and planning, English teachers and practitioners engaging in pedagogical innovation and change in the landscape of ELT, and researchers who have been investigating best ELT practices.
The main goal of the conference is to raise a critical issue on what implications English language curriculum development has for innovations in language policy and planning, pedagogical practice, and teacher professional development.
The 61st TEFLIN International Conference theme is "English Language Curriculum Development: Implications for Innovations in Language Policy and Planning, Pedagogical Practices, and Teacher Professional Development".
For more info, you could visit the website
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